A downloadable System

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StArch is committed to providing:

  • 貼合世界觀,身臨其境的劇情創造工具
    Tools for creating immersive drama that align with the worldview.
  • 節奏明快的六邊形戰棋
    Fast-paced hexagonal grid tactical combat.
  • 在看似有限選擇的博弈中創造無限的可能
    Creating infinite possibilities in seemingly limited choices of gameplay.
  • 簡潔清晰的角色設計
    Concise and clear character design.
  • 將角色特色應用於各處的「身分」系統
    The "identity" system that applies character traits everywhere.
  • 統整所有角色能力與狀態的「標籤」
    The "labels" that consolidate all character abilities and statuses.

(Should Know WHAT You Are Downloading)

主要應用於同時喜愛演繹角色與戰棋的玩家。此系統致力於提供PL(player)在維持PC(player character)戰力並享受戰棋樂趣同時,使PL能打造符合心目中期望的PC形象。

Following on, StArch is a TRPG system, or an alternative means of creating character images.
It's primarily used by players who enjoy both role-playing and tactical combat. This system is dedicated to enabling PLs (player) to maintain their PC's (player character) combat effectiveness and enjoy the fun of tactical games, while also creating a PC image that meets their expectations.
However, it doesn't directly provide scattered, fragmented, and disorderly rules for the players to assemble their characters aimlessly. Rather, it hopes to take the perspective of the Game Master (GM, the main writer of the worldview and plot) to facilitate communication between GM and players.
This way, they can jointly create a storyline that meets everyone's expectations.

「糨糊」以「身分」為主軸,或許會覺得有些像DND的兼職(Multiclassing)。 他是,但不盡然。 

StArch takes "identity" as the main axis, which may feel somewhat like "multiclassing" in DND. It’s look similar, but not exactly.
In StArch, identity represents the components that make up the PC. It can be a profession, a job, or even a PC's hobby - as long as this thing or experience has participated in the life of the PC, it can become an identity.
Identity is closely linked with character image and provides the PC with abilities related to it. What's more important is that identity in StArch is blurred.
It's not just about divisions like 'warrior', 'barbarian', or 'mage' that focus only on combat, but rather it is more about life, transforming the professional functions around life onto paper.
And more features will be detailed in later documents (if I can).

(Before Download You Should Know)


Currently, the system is just a framework. In the future, it will be released with a deep connection to its unique worldview, inspired by ancient Chinese aesthetics!
The original intention behind the system's design is to blend turn-based strategy and narrative storytelling, aiming to cater to both the tactical demands of war chess and the immersive experience of the game world.
Although its primary focus is on tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs), it can also be adapted for electronic games. For instance, by modularizing character personalities, emphasizing certain traits could enhance their combat capabilities, creating a fascinating fusion of gameplay and role-playing elements.
However, it should be noted that this system still requires manual filling in many places and cannot be used directly.

路格 Lug

其實更像是一種拼接奇美拉,所以想用儘管用吧! 我根本「不在乎」這玩意兒被誰拿去用,或者說能被其他人用上代表這東西還不錯。

In a way, it resembles a puzzle with various intertwined aspects, and I encourage others to utilize it freely. I literally don't care if this thing is taken and used by someone else. If this system were used by others, I think it means this system is useful.
Whether it turns out to be excellent or falls short of expectations, We welcome any feedback and comments. These inputs are precious and will be highly valued. I promise to cherish them and make improvements if necessary.

黑大拿 Black Danah

(In the end…)


If you've read up to here and are still quite curious about StArch, the free demo is now available, why not download the file and take a look?


After September 1st, although StArch will become a paid product (expected to be two dollars), it will still use the community copy mechanism to provide a free version, which you can freely obtain if you want to try it out.
However, if you could support our lab with the price of a cup of beverage, we would have more capital to offer more rewards to everyone who loves our game!


And yes, of course. This system is also display by Chinese. You can translate by yourself, or send the question for us, then we'll do my best to solve them.


Buy Now$1.99 USD or more

In order to download this System you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

StArch糨糊_v1.0.pdf 1.6 MB


Support this System at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

社群免費版(Community Copy)

若您對「糨糊」 感興趣但因任何原因無法支付費用,請來這裡獲取免費版本。

If you are interested in StArch but for any reason cannot afford it, please come here to get a free version.
If you like this game or have any feedback after downloading, you're welcome to leave a review or comment below! All feedback and experiences are steps toward improving the game!

  • 每售出一套糨糊,就添加一份社群免費版。
    For each copy of StArch sold, an additional community copy will be added.
  • 每個針對遊戲的評論回饋或分享實際遊玩的體驗都會增加 10 個新的社群免費版。
    Every piece of game feedback or shared real-play experience will add 10 new community copies.
  • 每50份收藏便會再添加一份社群免費版。
    Every 50 collections StArch have, an additional community copy will be added.

Development log

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